Tuesday, 13 January 2015

reflection on skills development

Skills Development Reflection:

1. What production activities have you done?

The activities that I have been able to through through the timing of the production has been more photoshop based through the duration of AS as I created an magazine for an chosen genre, this allowed me to be more creative with the style of genre I was trying to present for example; create different filters within certain images to give more of an spark of interest to them to be more appealing to the audience.  Adobe Photoshop - Learn how to add overlayers to give more depth of field. Change the overall colour of the image alone to give the effect that was suitable for the genre of the digipak.
Towards the recording stages of the production alone I have been able to add more depth of field through the use of the camera being able to use different style of shots, an example of this would be close ups of each performer through the style or either, stand alone shot of them performing of an fig rig closeup style as it allows the production to have more of an freeflow to it and increase the activity based on the rpdouct alone for the chosen genre we were working work. 

2. What digital technology have you used:

Adobe Photoshop:
Throughout the duration of the AS year my progression through the use of Adobe Photoshophttp:has quickly expanded over the use of time, the way that this has been developed over time is learning more indepth of the programn I am using that will allow me to achieve the best results within the work alone.

The use of his through the development of my work was litle towards the start of the AS year as I didn't think it would be an useful source for me however it has became more of an common technology that has allowed me to be more ogranized and be able to present my work more effective within sections without my sayings not to be justified.

However on the other hand the product Wix wasn't needed in the AS year it allowed me to add more element aspects within the product for example the use of an website given an more internet (web 2.0) aspect to the product that will allow users to be more free with the band. With the use of this it allowed me to add social aspects and be more creative 

Final Cut Express

Within these digital effects that I have used within the development of the course has allowed me to be more experimental with my work that gives it more of an trial and error feel to it that allows me to create certain segments and be able to see the following: what would make it better? is that really needed? Change the tone on that image improve the style of the chosen genre?

3. In what ways can the work you have done be described as creative:

The way that the product can be classed as creative is the different styles of camera shots that were used through the production of the video, that allowed more wide range of camera shots to be implermented however most of the shots we taken alone were more than what we planned for and allowed us to be experimental. However this worked well for the video alone.
For the creativity of the Digipak we have added different effects to it for example:
(insert Microphone image here)
(insert transformation of microphone here)
It adds to the style of the genre we changed one simple image into somethign that can be easily.

4. What different forms of research did you do? 

Research over the internet of the style of magazine I was going to create- Initial Research 

Throughout this progression of time within the second year of this course, I was open upto more styles of research that allowed me to get an more clear aspect of what people would want out of a product, the main way that this was done through the use of Google Questionnaire which allowed me to interactive with the users that are suitable for the base of the product we were going to create.
Another style of research that became more apparnt and effective to my work was through the general research over the internet.
This has allowed me to research into bands that I already currently know off and look into different styles of genre's and how the style of that product made it effective and how I would be able to implerment that within the products we were creating. 

5. What conventions of real media did you need to know about?

AS Level:
magazine -
From the start of the course we had to look into vital sources of conventions that makes the product as it as and the reasoning behind this, this allowed the product ot be suceessfull and meet the critereia of the genre, 
Some of these conventions were the following:
  • Heading
  • Sub- Heading
  • Barcode
  • Footer
  • Main Image
  • Big Title of 
  • Big main image of band being presented
  • Circle sphere with band 
  • Certain Texts and Fonts that meet with the Genre 
A Level:
  •  How the interpitations of certain images reflect the band
  • All the images to be consistant and give a meaning
  • Present the band and promote 
  • How one image relating to the band can give an significant figure to them
  • Use of Social Media for more connectivity 
  • Interactivity of the users who access webstite
  • Gig venues to promote band
  • Videos and About us to give more of an feeling to the band and feel more at home with themMerchandice as it allows the band to be promoted through different
Music Video:
  • Make sure the production lines all meet up with the genre chosen
  • Pacing of each scene goes with the music
  • Lightning has to be suitable for the purpose of recording
  • Lip sync has to be on point with the background music.
  • Effects have to be suitable to the purpose of the genre.

what do you understand by port production in your work?

I have been able to show current progression of the products I have been creating within the group that has allowed me to be critical of how the product looks and which segments I would like to change overall and get an second opinion from the group. Post Production has allowed me to be more creative but made me realise the progression being made for the product alone and how far it is from being complete keeping up with posatives and negative aspects of how it looks and feels incomparison to the other products that have been made within this group project.

Monday, 12 January 2015

Evaluation Question 4

Video Here


 The camera that we decided to use was an Canon D300 as it was one of the best camera's going that Renz has therefore it made the quality of the recording and videos to be suitable for purpose, however there is no shots of us filming this can easily be shown through our blog post of days that we have met up and taken specific photos of the band performers to show the recoginition of us being there.
The images of the digipak were orignally thought of beforehand therefore whenever we created an meetup with the performers that we used in the product, we took certain elements of the call shooting to take images that were relating to the genre that we are able to implerment within the product that makes it appeal and fits that genre.

The benifits of using the equipment in the production was how advance the camera we used was as it allowed the use of focusing on certain elements that we wanted to edit wihtin photoshop however most the time it wasnt applicable cause of the crisp photos taken from the Canon.

Post Production:
At the start of the product we were starting with the main basic of mainstream software such as:
Digipak - Adobe Photoshop CS6
Video: Final Cut Pro
Website: Wix.
The reason that we used these programs as we have had previous experiences of these programs in the past for both college and out of college work therefore it was more suitable and felt more comfortable to edit within the programs. However the timing of the music video changed as the production on Final Cut Pro was not successful enough for our criteria within the music video through the amount of times the program would stop responding and the only ease of access to this was through Mac's therefore we changed the program to Sony Vegas as we had more in depth knowledge of this program therefore it was quick ans simple to catch up to the selection we were at the time being on the post production.

We uploaded our video through the use of YouTube, the reasoning behind this as it was on big media platform that has been giving one big media aspect for non niche products to be uploaded without the use of pricey advertisement, this is one main key concept and positive aspect of the transformation of web 1.0 to web 2.0 as Gauntlets states "the audience are becoming the producers".  One of the biggest downfalls that came across from this product alone was the use of the music background that we were using would have copy write issues which by law and through YouTube can be taken down if you haven't given credit to the source of music and that its an non profitable product as that company would be losing out on the profit.

We didn't use twitter within the feedback form however we did use facebook and in class responses, however one big point of aspect that allowed us to get the most crucial information for the feedback on our product was through the use of Google questionnaires as it allowed us to make an statistical informative of what people through and liked and disliked through the product alone.

The way that the website was created was through the online multimedia service called wix. The reasoning behind this as they already has certain element aspects that I was able to implement into my work and make the use of interactivity to be quick and simple, on the plus side of this it allowed me to be creative with some gallery outlines and tickets system as I was able to give an clear indicitaion to the audience that the sales of tickets wernt applicable. One big help through this product was through the use of promoting the product by adding the music video, Digipak and Social media aspects that allows it to have an wider range of audience throughout the product therefore gives an wider range of people to look at our product and be able to give us improvements or enquirers of the product alone.

Evaluation Question 3

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Evaluation Question 2

Evaluation question 2

1: The general theme that I was aiming for in this overall product was an overall punk/rock theme to be implemented that allowed the use of darkning area’s to have an effect within the music video and give clear guidance through the use of location and mise en scene to create the genre we wanted to create for the piece of the coursework.
The incorpatation that improved the style of the work was through Nirvana, PVRIS  and Saints of Arcania. The reasoning behind this as parts of our conventions and similar features are presented through our product that both have recent and old similarities to them, The artists that I am relating to old would be Nirvana in comparison to PVRIS, the reasoning behind this has allowed  me to incorporate both new and old transitions throughout the whole products that we have created for this piece of work.

2. the marketing packages that I researched into were the typical mainstream bands that sometimes tend to be  connected to the big 3 (Sony Music, Vevo and Warner Brothers) and sometimes looked into bands that wernt signed up such as; Saints of Arcania.
The things that make there package consistence throughout the digipak design is the how the style of the text is constant and the images that are being used are repented within the style of the music video that allows the theme to be presented, an example of this is (insert reference here)
The use of the camera angles and images clearly show they are a (insert genre of reference here) Finally this is finally applied within the website (insert website here with links going off and similarities).

3. How have you incorporated these findngs into your own your? Create a sub heading for and make the links of your products together

The way that we have incorporated our finding through the style of the research, is by looking at multiple products alone such as; music video’s, digipak designs and website designs.

Website Design:
Use of social media being constant throughout the web page,
Engage with the viewers for example; Galleries of the band and Tour dates.
Involve band members throughout
Involve the music video to be played throughout the website

Used different style of costume props for the style of genre we were aiming for.

Kept the style of camera shooting to the same style as it should be 
Added different key elements that arnt really presented 

Made it relating to the promotion of the video and website

The key elements of an digipak is presentable for example: Main image, Band images, Copywrite, Logo's and Filters what make the digipak we have created today.


4. Why do artists use social media?
The reasoning behind the use of social media throughout all bands is the common growth of the internet through the duration of 30 years from the transaction between web 1.0 to web 2.0 what allows everyone to be more activite and be able to express anything they want, this allowed a lot of artists to be able to promote thereselfs through the use of music videos, blogposts, upcoming gigs, rough previews and allowing the use of feedback to be more at ease allowing the use of it to be effective and the cost of improvements to vary to the audience they are siming for.

The way that we have added social media within our products through the website is having an wide range of social media connectivites such as; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr. The reasoning behind this as it allows different style of elements to be added together from different communities as all of these social links have different meanings to them for example tumblr allows you to be more yourself and express your posts through the use of gif’s and stuff that interests you to be shown to users on a world wide basis. This allows the connectivity of the website and the artists to be shown on a wider scale      

The connectivity of the websites do link the products together as they all promote in there similar basis and try to keep the connectivity together     

5. Synergy is the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects. The reasoning behind synergy being an important factor to marketing campaigns as it allows the combination of two products that give the general effect overall and allow the use of combination to be inrelation, it allows the combination of products to be conjoined through the use of different effects.

The way that synergy is being used within our products is through the use of the dark sinister theme being conjoined together with the side of pop as it gives an clear constrast of idea's of how you precieve the products, we've been able to add the effect of different products (social media) within the website that allows the synergy of connectivity to be more indepth