Evaluation question 2
1: The general theme that I was aiming for
in this overall product was an overall punk/rock theme to be implemented that
allowed the use of darkning area’s to have an effect within the music video and
give clear guidance through the use of location and mise en scene to create the
genre we wanted to create for the piece of the coursework.
The incorpatation that improved the style
of the work was through Nirvana, PVRIS
and Saints of Arcania. The reasoning behind this as parts of our conventions
and similar features are presented through our product that both have recent
and old similarities to them, The artists that I am relating to old would be
Nirvana in comparison to PVRIS, the reasoning behind this has allowed me to incorporate both new and old
transitions throughout the whole products that we have created for this piece
of work.
2. the marketing packages that I researched
into were the typical mainstream bands that sometimes tend to be connected to the big 3 (Sony Music, Vevo and
Warner Brothers) and sometimes looked into bands that wernt signed up such as;
Saints of Arcania.
The things that make there package
consistence throughout the digipak design is the how the style of the text is
constant and the images that are being used are repented within the style of
the music video that allows the theme to be presented, an example of this is
(insert reference here)
The use of the camera angles and images
clearly show they are a (insert genre of reference here) Finally this is finally
applied within the website (insert website here with links going off and
3. How have you incorporated these findngs
into your own your? Create a sub heading for and make the links of your
products together
The way that we have incorporated our
finding through the style of the research, is by looking at multiple products
alone such as; music video’s, digipak designs and website designs.
Website Design:
Use of social media being constant
throughout the web page,
Engage with the viewers for example; Galleries of the band and Tour dates.
Engage with the viewers for example; Galleries of the band and Tour dates.
Involve band members throughout
Involve the music video to be played
throughout the website
Used different style of costume props for the style of genre we were aiming for.
Kept the style of camera shooting to the same style as it should be
Added different key elements that arnt really presented
Made it relating to the promotion of the video and website
The key elements of an digipak is presentable for example: Main image, Band images, Copywrite, Logo's and Filters what make the digipak we have created today.
Used different style of costume props for the style of genre we were aiming for.
Kept the style of camera shooting to the same style as it should be
Added different key elements that arnt really presented
Made it relating to the promotion of the video and website
The key elements of an digipak is presentable for example: Main image, Band images, Copywrite, Logo's and Filters what make the digipak we have created today.
4. Why do artists use social media?
The reasoning behind the use of social
media throughout all bands is the common growth of the internet through the
duration of 30 years from the transaction between web 1.0 to web 2.0 what
allows everyone to be more activite and be able to express anything they want,
this allowed a lot of artists to be able to promote thereselfs through the use
of music videos, blogposts, upcoming gigs, rough previews and allowing the use
of feedback to be more at ease allowing the use of it to be effective and the
cost of improvements to vary to the audience they are siming for.
The way that we have added social media
within our products through the website is having an wide range of social media
connectivites such as; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr. The reasoning
behind this as it allows different style of elements to be added together from
different communities as all of these social links have different meanings to
them for example tumblr allows you to be more yourself and express your posts
through the use of gif’s and stuff that interests you to be shown to users on a
world wide basis. This allows the connectivity of the website and the artists
to be shown on a wider scale
5. Synergy is the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects. The reasoning behind synergy being an important factor to marketing campaigns as it allows the combination of two products that give the general effect overall and allow the use of combination to be inrelation, it allows the combination of products to be conjoined through the use of different effects.
The way that synergy is being used within our products is through the use of the dark sinister theme being conjoined together with the side of pop as it gives an clear constrast of idea's of how you precieve the products, we've been able to add the effect of different products (social media) within the website that allows the synergy of connectivity to be more indepth
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