From this day of process, only one of the performers were only able to make it as the Harry and Elisha were both ill on this current day however it allowed us to figure out the plans and actions that we would have to take and timeline scale of recording as we seem to only be available to the current footage and images we have got at this time being.
We looked into the digipak design and some of the cd albums that Renz owns to give us an brighter spark of idea that can be one big improvement to our digipak as the initial design was really rough as it allowed us to have the basic outtake of it. These are some of the albums we have looked at;
This is another style that I would like to use for the design of the digpak as the simple complexity
This style of using an multiple duplicates of all the band members would be an good thought process of minication for the design of the digipak as it allows an werid but wonderful twist to the process.
The use of one page with 4 images splitted into each corner has given me the inspiration of adding one image of the band members then maybe the bottom right all the band members together or maybe an empty shot of where the performers have performered for example cattrick or the band studio with the use of the orange balloon as the thought of the balloon in the music video
This idea we have has always been in mind as the design is quick but effective as it gives an clear indication of the band members are with an signature post of having effort into there posture etc. I will be giving this process thought of mind however I may try something else however it would have to be in relation to the music video as it gives an clear relationship between one another and thats the link that we want to achieve.
From these photos I have obtained an brighter spark of idea's that I would be able to implement the current photos that we have achieved from the previous photo shoot last month or so.
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