Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Skills Devleopment - A2 Fortnight

Love me again - John Newman

LMFAO - Party Rock

Throughout the creations of these videos it has allowed me to learn the skills that are useable within the duration of production, I have learnt the following;

How everything has to be organised for the full potential of the video to be the best it can be, by this I mean having the location set up for example the backlight, camera set ups (moveable tripod and Fig rig) as it allowed us to have multiple shots to be located within the editing stages of the video to give it more of an buzz instead of the usage of one style of camera shot.

Another improvement that I have learnt during this time would have to be the amount of shots that should be taken within the production of recording as it allows multiple choices through the duration of editing as some recordings can be better than others.  

The way that this will help me with later projects in the future is through the use of being realistic about the timings within the product and the production time what would be suitable for everyone that will allow the editing and photoshoots to go successful for the following;

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