Monday, 29 September 2014

Location Reece : Broken Scar

Location: Broken Scar

This location has been put into thought and consideration throuhout the whole production even when we were thinking about even thought the thought of the two songs we both thought about doing however it was decided to PVRIS - St Patrick.

 Shoot one: This show was taken as an open frame geting both the contrast of Land to Lake to give an transparatent event to it, the reasioning behind this is it goes well with the style of recording however this would be useful for the digital designs as from my recent research of website consideration of Saints of Arcania or even an thought for the digipak.
The positive aspect to this photo would be the open feel inwhich we would want in the production stages with the contrast of everything combining together however the negative thought of process is doesnt really have much to say for the band members.

shoot two: The location of this gives the transparantsy of nature with housing in which implies how the industry has changed over the duration of time eg the change of greenland being constructed to housing that shows how were killing off nature.
Positive: Gives good transaction, lighting woudl be suitable for shooting
Negative: Getting to location, varieity of people go past. 

Shoot three: This photo I taken was taken in similar understandments of shot one however within this aspect of element I have purposly added the use of an trail in the centre of the shot to show the trail and adventure that can be shown througout the process of the coursework design.

Overall Thought:
My general thought of opinion if this location would be considered would be an yes as of the simple transaction shoots you would be able to take throughout the whole production both for the storyboard of the video and digital desgins, however the problem would be the use of performers geting to that location also the

Location Reece:
Risk assessments:
The timing we go to this location would have to be on a good day as it would allow the style of theme I would like to add within the filming production also allowing the allocation of further use througout the style of the coursework.

Weather: The weather would be an big impact for the timing of recording as the weather set would be changing therefore it would be sitable to do it soon as possible if this location is suitable for the needs of the production of the coursework

Make sure the surface that we are working on is safe and dry for the recording of the music video and for the performers to be performing during the days of shooting we will be allocating at a later date. 

Sunday, 28 September 2014

Rough Design of webpages

the rough designs of the websites has allowed me to consider what possabiltiies would be possible for the website that would relate to the production of the video including the use of the digipak to come up with the consideration of the webpages and how they woudl look and the style they would give.

The designs I have created I have looked at multiple websites that fit the style of the genre and the style of production that I woud like within the website therefore it will give me an clear understanding of what I would like to implerment within the website that makes it consistant and the quick and ismple use of other social media interfaces implermented within it to give an wider audience of social connectivity to the website.

The Websites that I have considered throughout this production have been:
(insert adams friends website here)
Linking park

The reason I have chosen these websites inwhich I can gain insperation within the style of the groups website it to give me an clear understand of how everything would be suitable to stand out to the audience that isnt to dauntng on the viewers eyes including the quick and simple effects that woudl be possible to give an wider understanding of the Band and give the audeince an wider show of the band through the use of web 2.0.

These are afew of the preseta that I would like to implerment within the website, the use of an social media link box with the use of an contact sheet would be ideal in the header as it allows the use an quick and simple navigation to other social media links shown within the website, this allows the use of an quick consitant style both implermentedd within teh header and footer of the website.

Another consideration what I can be used within the website would be an meaningful image in the background that could be kept the same throughout the website that would give the consistancy within the website and styte of the genre that me and renz are creating.

 These are some of the fonts that we have been considering throughout the webpage as we think they all meet the style of the genre and would be easily suitable within the  website.

This is the overall design for all the pages:

The reasoning behind all of the rought designs is ot give me an clear insight of what both of me and renz would like to have implermented with the website, the thought proces through this is the research of mainstream websites I know I would be able to replicate and give an clear guidence of the genre thatis being presented. The main thing we realised was the simple use of social media being presented such as; News Feeds from Twitter etc and Facebook links to widen the audience with the social media they are connected with,

Since they are rough designs it doesnt mean I wont be taking the direct approach of this as later throughout the progresion of the course I will be maintaining more research to fulfill the criteria I would like to add within the website that gives a clearence of what the design willl look similar to.

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Facebook Chat

This is the chat thought we thought would be the quick and simple route to get in contact with quick and ease of use.

The positive effect of this is nearly all of our performers are within the facebook thought therefore if anything hasto be such as; Times and Location, it would be towards the group and no need of the personal message to one another.

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

photographs on set + Reflection on shoots

These are the photos that are currently from Cattrick, this collction of photos wil change through the duration of prodution within the music video we are creating.


These are some of the shots that we got from the day. From this day I tried to make the full oppertunity of what photos I would liket o get while Renz did the reocrding with an more suitable and more top of the range camera. 

The photos I was trying to aim for was to do with the band members and the scenenary over the locatoin we were set in which was Count Close Cattrick.

These are the selection of photos that I wanted to upload from the day and these will be good consideration from the flat plan designs I have created for the digipak and consideration of the website from the use of the program Wix inwhich I have added the last photo to give it an inner meaning which can be implercated from the style of the research that I have done.

Shooting Schedule

we will be recording on Sunday 5th 11am till 5 pm

Location: Count Close Cattrick
Performers: Harry Jolly, Elisha McCowan, Rob Kitchin

Reflection: From this photoshoot location as of today, it gave us the shots that we would like in the multi design of the music video and the photos i would be able to use for when we both work on the website and the editing stages of the music video.

Website Site FlatPlan

Digipak Flat Plan

This is the digipak front design I have created for the coursework, the thought of all of these idea's have been realteod to the location of shooting and the recent scenes that have been shown form the video of choice.

Not all of the photos are in great detail but give the general theme of open field construction as it allows the use of freestyle with meaning to be implermented, another reason for this is how the shooting goes on suday inwhich there might be an certain area we see I would like to use instead of the idea's that are being shown on the picture.

The style I was going for the front cover was inspirated from the use of an professional digipak from a band called: The wonder Years
The reasoning behind this is the style ofhow it has an focus element to it with an semi serious tone which can be brought into our Designs of chosen genre.

The CD insert:
The insert has been a thought of an general idea as I think the style of compramising of nature to distored building can show an clear dialet effect being implermented throuhg the music video to give an clear comparision.

Inner Covers:
The inner cover one which involves theuse of 3 band members walking from an distance is inrelation to the originally video we have chosen, the reasoning behind this is as it gives an certain element of who the band members are the the style of theme they have set throughout the production to be related to; Music Video, Digipak and Website.

Inner Cover two
The reasoning behind the second inner cover  is inrelation to the shoot we took on sunday in Cattrick as I feel like it gives a sense of mystery from the use of an inner close shot on the left hand side with another band member in the background with the use of an quote to the right of front band member. I want to add an quote within the design of the digipak as it resembles the main song we are recreating.

Inner Cover Three:
Finally the last cover of the guitar with an meaningful image behind it to give an focal image however another thought I would like to have in mind inwhich I would be able to use all the band members instruments to show an sign of mist.


7th October:
From the photoshoot I have Achieved most of the photos that I would like for the digipak and some other initive thoughts  that Will be shown at a later date.


From the research that I have done into this digipak design it has shown me afew ideas that would look suitable for our designs. I will be creting an rough rough design of what the designs will look like for the rough cut deadline, these will not have the greatst of photoshootings skills however I have done this to give me an clear example of the minimal effect of how I would want everything to work out before I fully complete the product.

Model Release Forms

Model Release Form

Call Sheet

The use of the call sheet allows the performers to know when we are going to be performing, the location it is going to be set, The timing and the costume.

Call Sheet

Location Recce + Risk Assessments

These are the photo's from my camera from the day.

The reason that brought up this location was through the simplicity of location around him that setted the scene for the style of genre we are going to be producing for the music video. The reasoning behind the location as the style was simplistic and gave an dark but light theme to it to represent confusing of wildlfie and woods into the area.

The positive aspect for this location:
  • The location of this area for shooting if the requirement is needed for either the music video, website or digipak it would be an quick and ease of access to locate to for anything that is needed.
  • Wide range of shots are available for both the digipak, website and music video.
  • The sinister wood effects give an focal effect and be suitable for the production

Negative aspect:
The timing for the location can vary for the style of shooting that we would like to implerment within the music video, Another would be the tming of the location as the months go on the weather becomes bad ans unsuitable for recording that would put the producers and the performers health and safety at risk for example muddy pathways.

The overall location and the research of this area will be used for the later production as it gives an general theme of what we want for the music video and later designs. 

Test Shots

Test shots Cattrick:

Both of these test shots have been taken from both Broken Scar and Cattrick Woods, The reasoning behind theses are to go aloing with the style of the shots I would like to implerment within the website and the digipak however also gives us aother insight what we want in the working.

Detailed. Coloured StoryBoard

Instead of use of an full on story board Renz has decided on the use of an Quick Set design  that simplyfies the style of recording that we would like to choose to figure out what we would be shooting on the day.  The style of shots that we have chosen are a wide range between close up of the band members to open areas of the shoot location what is currently set in Cattrick Kemmel Close

Shot one: The camera pans from left to right on the performers:
 Shot two: Close up shot of the main band member opening there eyes
Shot Three: medium open shot of the band singer
Shot four: Shot of both the guitarists in the band long shot
Shot Five: Dynamic Shot of the band singer with an focus of the singer and an fade out focus around the area.
 Shot Six: Frame swap to Location one

Shot one: The camera pans from left to right on the performers:
Shot two: Close up shot of the main band member opening there eyes
Shot Three: medium open shot of the band singer
Shot four: Shot of both the guitarists in the band long shot
Shot Five: Dynamic Shot of the band singer with an focus of the singer and an fade out focus around the area.
Shot Six: Frame swap to Location one

These are some of the storyboard features that Renz have decided from the location of shooting we are going for these are some of the similarities we would like to do within the recording stages, the reasoning behind all of this  from the research into the location we have thought about and the best shooting area including the style of the risk assessment would be cattrick therefore we have chosen cattrick as it allows the connection to everyone being quick at ease for recording stages even if we need to get more.

Location 2

Shot one: The camera pans from left to right on the performers:
Shot two: Close up shot of the main band member opening there eyes
Shot Three: medium open shot of the band singer
Shot four: Shot of both the guitarists in the band long shot
Shot Five: Dynamic Shot of the band singer with an focus of the singer and an fade out focus around the area.
Shot Six: Frame swap to Location one

Shoot one:
An long open frame of the band members centrered within the location of the woods
Shoot two: Medium shot usage of the band members
Shoot three: Long shot of the band members with the use of quick cutting
Shoot four: Solo Shot of the Main singer
Shoot five: Different orintation of the band members in different path routes.
Shoot six: Focus from long distance of band members