Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Detailed. Coloured StoryBoard

Instead of use of an full on story board Renz has decided on the use of an Quick Set design  that simplyfies the style of recording that we would like to choose to figure out what we would be shooting on the day.  The style of shots that we have chosen are a wide range between close up of the band members to open areas of the shoot location what is currently set in Cattrick Kemmel Close

Shot one: The camera pans from left to right on the performers:
 Shot two: Close up shot of the main band member opening there eyes
Shot Three: medium open shot of the band singer
Shot four: Shot of both the guitarists in the band long shot
Shot Five: Dynamic Shot of the band singer with an focus of the singer and an fade out focus around the area.
 Shot Six: Frame swap to Location one

Shot one: The camera pans from left to right on the performers:
Shot two: Close up shot of the main band member opening there eyes
Shot Three: medium open shot of the band singer
Shot four: Shot of both the guitarists in the band long shot
Shot Five: Dynamic Shot of the band singer with an focus of the singer and an fade out focus around the area.
Shot Six: Frame swap to Location one

These are some of the storyboard features that Renz have decided from the location of shooting we are going for these are some of the similarities we would like to do within the recording stages, the reasoning behind all of this  from the research into the location we have thought about and the best shooting area including the style of the risk assessment would be cattrick therefore we have chosen cattrick as it allows the connection to everyone being quick at ease for recording stages even if we need to get more.

Location 2

Shot one: The camera pans from left to right on the performers:
Shot two: Close up shot of the main band member opening there eyes
Shot Three: medium open shot of the band singer
Shot four: Shot of both the guitarists in the band long shot
Shot Five: Dynamic Shot of the band singer with an focus of the singer and an fade out focus around the area.
Shot Six: Frame swap to Location one

Shoot one:
An long open frame of the band members centrered within the location of the woods
Shoot two: Medium shot usage of the band members
Shoot three: Long shot of the band members with the use of quick cutting
Shoot four: Solo Shot of the Main singer
Shoot five: Different orintation of the band members in different path routes.
Shoot six: Focus from long distance of band members

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